The Montagne Sainte-Geneviève and its neighborhood

Republican Calendar. Philosophy Perched on a High Summit

The site of many universities as of the medieval era, Montagne Sainte-Geneviève saw its intellectual vocation increase during the Revolution. For revolutionaries, science and education were tools for collective emancipation. Consequently, Paris ended up establishing itself as the capital of Enlightenment. It was specifically on the Left Bank, around the Montagne Sainte-Geneviève where the schools and institutions meant to educate the Republic’s future elite were concentrated. In addition to the Natural History Museum, the schools in this neighborhood also included: Ecole polytechnique, Ecole central du Panthéon as well as, under the Empire, Ecole normale supérieure.

The Montagne Sainte-Geneviève and its neighborhood


  • March 11, 1794

    École Polytechnique is founded
  • October 30, 1794

    École Normale de l’An III, the future École Normale Supérieure, is founded
  • March 1798

    The elephants Hans and Marguerite arrive at the Botanical Gardens zoo
  • 1804

    École Polytechnique moves to the Sainte-Geneviève neighborhood
  • 1808

    École Normale Supérieure moves to the Sainte-Geneviève neighborhood
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